“I always loved snakes until I woke up with one in my bed.”
Use this speech as part of a story. Is it actually a snake, or an unsavoury character?
The Last Straw
I always loved snakes until I woke up with one in my bed.
I’ve had a problem my whole life where I would always be attracted to people I found broken. Not the type of broken person that was in previously abusive relationships or had other types of trauma, but the broken type that would take their issues out onto others.
I never allowed myself to get close to people like this. It was another problem I had, where I couldn’t help myself but stay somewhat emotionally distanced from those close to me. It was a way to cope with not only bad relationships in my love life, but also during my childhood.
I suppose that’s why I’ve always likes broken people, because I am one myself. But I always followed my rule of distancing myself. I wouldn’t let out relationship go too far, knowing they would only hurt me and use it against me.
This all changed when I found myself falling head over heals for her. She almost seemed sweet at first, but I could see right through it. I thought I could change her, just as I could with any other relationship.
We went on a date to a bar where we danced, drank, sang, and had random people come up to flirt with us. She flirted back a bit, but thankfully she didn’t go to far. I was too drunk to tell her off for coming that close to cheating. Before I knew it, I was too drunk to stand. I don’t remember much after that.
The next morning when I woke up, I was lying peacefully in my bed. I rolled over to reach for my phone that usually lied on the nightstand, but my reach was blocked by her body. She was asleep in my bed. I looked under the sheets to be sure I was wearing clothes only to have my face flush when I saw I was wearing nothing.
I never wanted to take things this far this soon, but that’s the problem with snakes like her. They wait until the moment you can’t fight back so they can get what they want.
This was the final straw.