A Lost Home

Water crashing against rocks and birds chipping brought the beauty of the river back to life. The morning sun casted a warm glow into the water around a barefooted woman.

The woman cherished the water as much as she cherished her childhood memories here.

“It wouldn’t kill a man to oppose a clear enemy, would it?” She muttered. Her resentment towards her husband deepened the moment his actions resulted to her losing her land.

She took a deep breathe, inhaling the scent of wet earth and grass before exhaling. The gentle breeze blew restoring the sense of peace her riverside home had longed for. A man in a suit hurried towards her.

“Please be careful Elena. Madam Isabella has arrived and requests to see you,” the man said stretching out his gloved hand.

“Thank you, Alexander.”

Elena sighed, staring at the sky while stepping out. She wore the knitted shawl handed to her.

“If only that _darling_ husband of mine was as decisive and useful as he claims. Perhaps I could’ve shown my children the beauty of this place and how it has kept their mother sane.”

Alexander escorted Elena back into the gloomy house to speak to her aunt.

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