Inspired by Grégorienne
Write a short story from the point of view of the villain.
Channel your inner baddie!
The Empress
I had gotten into another fight with my twin brother Sebastian I dont want to talk about it though, so as I always do when I get mad I come here to a lake which, as far as Im concerned, only I knew about. it was dark and gloomy the sand looked like the night sky the lake looked like an eternal abyss, the trees surrounded it engulfing the lake in shadows with the slightest bit of sunlight peaking through, the smell
of dead oak trees filled the air and the only sound to be heard was the croak of the frogs. Though this lake seemed deppresing, it felt calm, undisturbed, peacful. I can never let my cousins see me get angry, everybody thinks that I am just a sweet young princess which is something that I work hard to maintain. I find it hard to open up to people especially my family, whenever I try it just feels so wierd
and uncomfortable that I can't get the words out, but sometimes I feel like I might burst like a volcano if I dont talk about it, my therapists says its not good to bottle up my feelings, and that I should practice sharing little problems with my cousins until I am ready to face the bigger ones, but what does she know she is only paid to care about my mental health, besides she probably just accepted the job for
bragging rights and doesn't give a crap about some whining princess. I slip off my shoes and walked around the lakeshore looking for the smoothest pebbles I could find to toss in the lake, I managed to gather five, I threw the first one a marble like pebble with mixed colors of black and lavender, it bounced 1 2 3 4 times I watched as each bounce caused the lakes calm waters to ripple ever so gently.
This helped calm my nerves down a little bit, but I still don't want to talk about what we fought about. I sat on my knees sobbing into my hands scrunching up a clump of the sky in my hands. "Whats wrong dear?" Echoed an eerie yet soothing voice "wh-who are you where are you?!" I replied my voice trembling, suddenly a ghost like figure of a woman underneath a cloak apeared, she pulled down the
hood to reveal her long diomand face with sharp features, her eyes like deep pools of pure despair just looking at them made me want to curl up underneath the trees shadows and die. Every cell in my body wanted me to run and never look back but I found that my legs stuck to the floor like glue "this is only a dream wake up wake up please" I screamed slapping myself, "stop with your pathetic attempt to wake
yourself up, for I am very real and not at all a ghost as your foolish mystical mind presumes" she snapped her soothing voice now a bit annoyed. I paused "who are you?" She rolled her eyes "just call me THE EMPRESS.