In a post-apocalyptic world, the main character finally finds a civilisation.
Audio note no.1 "welcome to the end of the world"
The end of the world came when everyone least expected it. Some idiot scientist decided it would be a good idea to bring back the dead as zombie-like superhumans bent on destroying all uninfected humans. So yeah, I'd say this is definitely a July for the history books. Assuming humanity survives to tell the tale. I think most people have either died off, or been turned by now. As far as I know, I'm the last surviving human, although I hope that's not the case. Before all of this happened, I contemplated being one of the last people on earth, and how awesome it would be. I could live out my days in luxury, not having to worry about work, taxes, or my aunt Cherryl. Seriously, family reunions with her are the WORST. It turns out though, that not having people or anything to occupy my time gets pretty boring. After playing solitaire by myself at least a thousand times, although I did get pretty god at it. I began to long for something social. So I packed up my playing cards and my Ryan Reynolds bobblehead collection, and left abandoned house I had taken up residence in after the previous owner didn't need it anymore. My first thought was to set off in search of other survivors, but I needed to think through things before not doing so winds up landing me as a zombie. So as I climbed into my car, I decided to go for a drive while listening to music. Driving down the freeway has always been my preferred method for clearing my head. And I do realize now that that MIGHT have not been a good idea in the middle of an apocolypse, but I needed to clear my head, and all's well that ends well, I guess. Speaking of ending well, i did end up finding those people I went looking for. I honestly would have preferred humans going extinct to having to rely on these people, but they keep me safe and they might just maybe, be able to save humanity. I'm hoping they do, otherwise I would be making these audio recordings for nobody. Anyway, I need to go help gather food, but I will keep making these in the hope that someday, someone will listen to them and know what happened. Over and out. Hey Jeremy! How do you turn this off again? What button? Oh wait, nevermin-
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