Clean Up Crew

“And they all lived happily ever after.” Well that was all fine and good for the prince and princess, but not ol Willy. Someone still had to clean up the castle grounds after all.

Now before you think I’m complaining friend, I promise you I’m not. For I’ve seen some amazing sites in my time; I’ve seen princes rescue princesses on a dozen occasions (heck, even a few princesses pulled some princes feet out of the fire), I’ve seen knights slay monsters and even more occasions, I’ve even seen the occasional magic wish or two be granted over by the gardens. No sir I’m not complaining, I wouldn’t trade this job for the world.

I may be a lowly janitorial ambassador of the cleaning arts, but I also pride myself on being an unofficial historian to the kingdom. One day I’ll make my way down to the college and have one of the mages transcribe my memoirs. But until that day there are grounds to repair, burns to scrub off the stone walls, and gates to mend. Life is grand in the kingdom!

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