Write a story involving a key scene that shapes your protagonist (which you will NOT include in the book).

Consider what has influenced your character's motives, and how their backstory has lead them to the beginning of your novel.

After Death

Ammer's heart aches deep within him, as if a damn has broken releasing an ocean of grief.

 He collapses to the earth beneath him. 

 Cree's lifeless body lays untouched before him. Ammer watches for a breath, a stir, a single muscle movement - but there's nothing. Cree has never been so still, not even in his sleep. 

 All at once, the sobs come. The wailing. A sound Ammer never knew he could make. Everything inside of him is collapsing, breaking, ripping, bursting apart. 

 "_Why?_" The question stings and stains his lips. 

 An anger completely unknown rises within Ammer and threatens to overtake him in a single heartbeat. Not even willing to fight, Ammer gives in. 

 He rises, his head whipping left and right in search of the Creator. 

 _There_, Ammer races to Him. 

 "Why?" The question escapes him again, stinging just as much. He can't bring himself to finish his sentence. _Why did you let my brother die?_

_ _The Creator says nothing. He merely blinks an eye, and stomps his great paw upon the earth. "Answer me!" The anger grips his heart so tight, Ammer wonders if he's about to die as well. Part of him wishes he would, then he could see Cree again. "Ammer," the Creator titls his head, an expression of pain written on his features. "What is done, must be done." "No," Ammer's pulse quickens. "You can bring him back. You can save him; heal him." "I could, but I won't. One day, child, you will understand. Cree understood. He knew what was about to happen." "Is this what you spoke about, the night before the battle began?" "Yes, child."

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