Submitted by TheQuillPen
Write a poem about giving up.
It doesn’t have to be negative, it can be about giving up something or someone that’s been holding you back.
People Pleasing
I want to please everyone
Sometimes that’s just not the way things go
If I can’t please them I run
I avoid them and try to lay low
I never want anyone to be less than happy because of me
I only want them to be happy
That’s just who I want to be
I want to be someone who lifts people up instead of tearing people down, okay I know that sounds sappy
But my friends and my family constantly point this out
My parents say I’m a push over
In terms of standing up for myself, I see a drought
My parents say I need to stick up for myself but I would just rather nod and give happiness to another
I can’t say no and I put others needs before me
But this I must keep in mind
When will myself come first?
When will I give up on people pleasing?
I take a new resolve
Sometimes I am the most important one
I matter and I am my own person
I am me and I am not a pushover
I am allowed to say no and set my own boundaries
And I am allowed to be upset with you when you cross them
I give up on people pleasing.