Submitted by Annabelle
He climbs out of bed, doesn’t bother to change, walks downstairs to kick ALL of their tails, and then returns to bed.
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Window: One Road Away
“He climbs out of bed, doesn’t bother to change, walks downstairs to kick all of their tails and then, returns to me.” I said as I closed down my white bilnders and turn to my friend, Sara. Sara has been my neighbour for more than a year now and we are pretty good friends. She was not having it when I constantly bother her with the same thing about my window neighbor who just happen to live one road away from me. He moved in a few months ago and since, I have been staying in home since since months and he moved here after a week.
My friend sadly smiled at me.I could never understand the painful smile.She is my only friend at current situation.I don’t have childhood, neither adulthood.I will be turning 29 soon; that’s what Sara said. I turned to her “ What ? Stop giving me that pathetic smile”
“ Do you remember the name “ Marco “ ? She said softly. Whenever Sara mentioned that name, it hurts my mind and pains me a lot more on the emotional side. Her everyday question had been frustrating. Today I wanted to know the answer.I turned my back on her “ Sara, you know everything about me and yet, I have no memories, so you even know how sad is that ? “
Sara was shocked to see me this way but I was tired everyday waking up with no memories I turn to her “ who am I ?”
Suddenly, the same guy opens the gate of his apartment.I opened my blinder hurriedly. “ Maira “
Sara called by my name for the first time but I never felt once that it was my name. I looked at him, he also looked at me and smiled creepily. And then, he walked away as if he is never returning. Suddenly, a car towards him, I screamed calling him out but he never listened as usual. I always called him while he woke up from his bed but he never listened and the car passed through him. He vanished in the thin year. I get vivid memories and suddenly; I hear a name “Yuna” before blanking out.
I woke up with faint noise around.A white room and a white cloth. A white ceiling. “what am I doing here ?”
And then it hit me , a man that man omg, it can’t be true can it be ? All the thoughts flashed on my mind.
Before I could say anything , she said “ Yes he is dead now and you were hallucinating your husband killer everyday for past few months and he is none other than my brother.”
The ceiling was still white, but my vision was not. I couldn’t anticipate anything, neither any feelings. A void, I see that’s how it feels to feel void. My husband used to say that,” A feeling of void is worse than what you feel, yuna” , whenever I had overwhelming emotions. All I could do was stare at the blank white ceiling.