“I love you, but your powers are too strong...they scare me.”

Write a short story which includes this line of dialogue.

Scared and Scary

Her anger swirls with in her, perfectly represented through the storm clouds above her head. The more the rage grows, the darker the clouds get.

“Ness, you don’t know him like I do!” Ever pleads, eyes flitting between the storm and Ness. “I’m not excusing his actions, just listen to me.”

“Listen. You want me to listen?” Ness punctuates her question with a humorless laugh. “Your father experimented on kids! On my friends! On me! Even on you!” Her ire shown by the lightning strike that hits the ground near their feet.

“He did it to _save_ me! We don’t know what it’s like to be a parent. To have your only child dying!” Ever reasons, her voice attempting to be soothing. It used to be. But it has the opposite effect in this moment.

“So the rest of us deserve the experiments?Sacrifice innocent children for one?” Ness never felt rage like this before. Tex always was the anger one, ready to punch his way out of feeling anything. Maybe he had a point. Why feel emotions when they hurt so much?

With her powers conjuring every possible thing from rain to wind to lightning, Ever takes a step back.

“I love you, but your powers are too strong…they scare me.”

Ness’ eyes no longer had that jovial glint. It was all pure darkness. “They should.”

Ever looks terrified, taking even more steps back, but Ness continues, “That part that scares you, the destructive uncontained part, is because of your father.”

Harsh winds and pelting rain happen all around them. “You’re losing control,” Ever warns, eyes wide with concern.

As the weather events get closer and closer towards Ever, Ness shoots her a toothy grin.

“That’s where you’re wrong. I know exactly what I’m doing.”

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