Write a scene where something chaotic is happening.
The real world war
Once upon a time a dog was sitting on a rock when suddenly......something went zap and the dog and the rock was to the right of where the dog was sitting! Not like the rock moved but there was two of the dog and the rock! The dog was like "bark!" When the og dog barked the new dog barked back. They barked back and forth for a while then they just shut up and just took naps. Then about five years later og dog woke up and went out into the world. On his walk where he left dog number two behind of dog ran into a cat who started fighting, And wrestling l, then all of the woodland cratchers were fighting because they saw the cat and the og dog. Eventually all of the orgnizoms were fighting! Cati were punching trees trees were slamming cati with there branches. There we gun shots, punches, bites, caneon fire, and even more! Every orgnizom in the world was Fighting. It was the actual would war. The war waged on for ages and wenn it finally ended the results were not favorable. You may be asking what I mean by that....well humans did not come close to winning. The top four wins because the rules of the savanna, jungle, ocean, and the sky. The winners of this world war were the lions, the tigers, the dolfins, and the eagles. When the war was done and over all of the animals went back to liveing there normal life in about a week. So a dog gets cloned, the og dog and dog number two fight, then they took a nap for five years, the og dog woke up and left dog number two behind, then og dog found a cat and forgot with it, every animal and plant in the entire world ended up seeing the fighting somewhere and the real world war took place, the top four winners were the lions-tigers-dolfins-and eagles. That is how each region that I mentioned got its ruler. THE END!