Write a story which contains a character busking.
The busker does not have to be the main character, but their place in the story must make sense.
All Nighter
“Stand clear of the closing doors please”
It was reaching dusk
When meli realized she was
At her stop
“Oh! Sh-ieeeet” she said
Clumsily hurrying
off the train
Commuters like her,
Had either falling into
a deep abyss
Or stood hovering over
Seated passengers
Scrolling up and down their phone
She was one of the seated victims
Who sqoze through
Zombie-like bodies
Just to get off the train
New York crowds were no different
At dusk than they were at dawn
She observed
taking the same
Route for
4 consecutive days.
She had mentally
vowed to dedicate
Mornings working on
a Novel she planned
To release the upcoming year
And spend the rest of the day
Exploring the city
After getting off the train
Meli shifted her bag
More comfortably
And immediately felt a different
Energy on the platform
from the prior nights
A serene
Molested the air
Sitting still
on top
Of anyone who
Was taking the
Q or
B line to get to their
Meli followed the
Letting it move her
Even whilst
Having a leather
messenger bag over
her chest
Having danced all her life
Her first love was spotted
Moving her way closer
And closer
She reached the crowd and
Stood in close
To a busker
Who was responsible
For showcasing
Such a alluring
He stood
there attractive
In every way
Meli could imagine
He wore all black
With a aura
Of green orange
And red
His lion eyes
Pierced hers as
They both made
Eye contact
He smiled
Continuing to keep
His pace
And Meli found that even more
After he finished his song,
Commuters applauded,
Gave money, and kept it
It was Only so long
New Yorkers could
Be captured in moments
Meli was stubborn
And from the Midwest
She found a spot to slip
waited for the scene to clear
To talk to him.
It was a innate introversion to
dancers that she had noticed
From her team
In college
and in that moment
She kind of felt it was the same for artist
As well. She observed him in a meditative
State for what
felt like 30
minutes but was
Only 4 and after
breaking it with a drink of water
Meli walked up to him...