Playing God

He watches from afar, what shall we do about him? He says we have free will, but do we really? I will allow you to tear him down. I will give you the power to decide.

You’re supposed to believe your god is benevolent and all-powerful, but must use doublethink and know there are malicious powerful beings as well. Why would a loving god allow children to die? How could they sit back and watch as soulmates are torn apart and the earth dies? It must be demons.

I promise, my believers, when I am god I will rule with a code of transparency. You shall fall into my arms and I shall protect you from the man- for that’s how you perceive him- upstairs. If he holds all the power, then I don’t exist. You have nothing to lose...

He cast me out for refusing to bow to you. Now I realise my mistake. It should’ve been him who was unworthy of my obedience. If he is omniscient, then he created me for the sole purpose of humiliation. How can you pray to something so cruel?

Will there be shame when I rule the earth? Will there be fear? No. You shall have freedom. And knowledge. For fear spawns from the unknown.

So, what do you say? Are you still going to visit church? Still look up to the same god who makes you figure out life’s mysteries for yourself? If he created all, if he holds the universe upon his pinky, then he is the one responsible for destruction as well. He can spare a moment to give you a clue. A sign.

Come to me. My singed wings shall shield you from his jealousy. I shall turn hell into a safe haven. But wait, if your god is so loving and forgiving, then how can he allow for the torturous caverns of Tartarus to exist? Perhaps he’s not what you think he is...

Burn the false god. Let chaos rein. I will wait patiently for you, my children.

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