Submitted by Freddie

Life Without You

Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.


Life without you hurt for awhile.

You kicked me into a dirt pile.

Now I have arose into a beautiful rose straight under your nose in this stone tile.

How a smile grows from pretending to be alright.

Oh, how love can have such a venomous bite.

How it messes with your vision to show a fake sight.

How generous of you to make it imaginary and not scary.

How wary I am to make a new candle.

A candle I can handle to keep a light.

I don’t want to relight a candle, I want to fight until I can’t handle come at me night.

Nighttime, daytime I say a rhyme.

Fight a mime, “Oh hey enzyme.”

White lime, “Decay organism.”

That’s quite the dime.

Relay, tight crime

Oh, hey me.

My special personality.

Can you leave be?

Can I retrieve sanity?

Can I trust my own tea?

Can I bust my clone me?

Wow, this started with her and ended with the evil me.

I can see so clearly now that he’s back and you’re gone.

I want to attack him.

I want to attack me.

Sadly he’s all I have when i’m forever alone.

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