
Black is all I see as I’m coming to consciousness. I open my eyes and realize I am in a very strange place. The walls of this room are covered in items I don’t know I have ever seen before. I desperatly search for an item I may recognize because I am starting to panick. Books. There’s books where I am from. But not like these, the books I see are overflowing a small bookshelf and on one book I see a big fat caterpillar. But when I start grazing my eyes over the room I notice a shelf filled with animals that seem to have been stuffed with something. They are smaller than what I have seen. A bear shrunk down to baby size with a cute button nose and a bow around his neck. What kind of sick place is this? Bears are fighters and kill. Next to it a bunny, white, with ears pointing to the sky. Again a cute little bow around the neck.

But I stop my looking because I need to find out where I am.

Then something moves. I freeze. Atop of this bed in the room is someone. Someone small. But in my world small doesnt mean not dangerous. I stay still as the air waiting for silence again.

The tiny thing seems to have gone back to a deep slumber. I begin looking around again more hasty manner. Dolls I see, sitting in a tiny house. Where I am from, dolls are used for dark magic. And they certainly do not look the same. These dolls are blonde and dressed up mini skirts and pink shirts. The dolls from home are dark, black hair, scary faces. I’ve never used one back home but they say you can cast a spell and connect the doll to someone else. Whatever you do to that doll, happens to that person. So I’m scared to touch these nice looking foreign dolls.

But then, my eyes catch another book, lying open in between where I am sitting and the bed with this questionable little person. This book you can tell has been read over and over. The corners of the pages scuffed and some have tiny scribbles. Spells possibly? But then I see it. The two pages lay in front of me with fairies on them. This book is the only thing in this room that I can recognize. Nothing in the pictures are foreign to me and it is really comforting for a moment. Then the comfort turns to pure terror, as I hone in on one fairy in this book and it’s me.

It’s me in my home with fairies that I know. My family. Where I am from. The horror takes over. Did… did I… did I come out of a book?

Then I freeze. I look over and I’m holding eye contact with the little person. They are awake now. And I have never been more scared in my life.

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