A Old friend

Oh hi snack how are you." He grabs my neck and push me angsts the shelf. Every thing falls down. Popole come to brake us up. You fuck my life up.!" remember how i lost my eye?" No i don't." He try's to take me out the store. But he could not he is stop by the store manger. He drags both of us to his office. Sit down both of you"! He sits down to. So please tell me why too grown men are fighting in at a store like too little kids"? Snack spoke up. 10 years ago we was best friends but one fate full day it all change." I was sting in the kitchen watching you tub when jake came in. What's up bro." Don't what up me." you been not paying your side of the rant !" I'm sorry but you know I'm trying to find a job." He grabs a knife. No your not don't say you are trying to find a job"! I have been how are you going to tell me what i am been doing !" He stabs my hand took years for me to every wiggle my fingers again ahh why did you do that"! Stop laying to me i told you what i know you are doing don't lie again." I'm not lying I'm telling the truth"! He takes the knife and stabs me in the eye giving me brain damage. I crawled out the hose to another hose. But when i tried to speak i cold not its like that prat of my brain got shut off. He was question but becuse no wistin and i could not talk he got off the hock. The cops and ablmce come." I wake up in a bed." The end

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