Write a diary entry of a terminally ill patient.

Does this character feel fear, calm, sadness? What might they articulate to a private diary entry?

Dear Diary

Dear Diary,

I don’t know a more clichéd way to start a diary entry. But nor do I consider myself a person that would usually start a diary to begin with. But that’s the thing. Nothing is usual now. Everything has gone upside down and there’s not a single day where I wouldn’t speculate about how much time is left. Or if I didn’t waste the time given to me. It’s not fear that I feel right now. It just seems a bit unfair to me that some people have so little time to make their life meaningful. So many people waste their terribly long lives staring into a screen or hurting people that never deserved to be hurt.

Someone once said “to live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist.” And what hurts the most is that that’s true. So many people are given such a gift as life itself and choose to completely throw it away. I am genuinely disgusted by those people. I despise them. I was not given this privilege. And those who were, didn’t think of it as a privilege. Life is unfair, we all know that. But you can either sit and complain about it or learn its rules and play the game to win. So,

Dear Diary,

Let me tell you that I do not regret a thing. Everything I have done might have not been wise or responsible but it taught me some lessons. If I did everything perfectly so little would I know.

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