A Night At The Library

Larry glanced around the room. The library was small—one room—but it was filled with rare and valuable books. The assignment of being warden of the books for the weekend had not been a popular one. Larry had been the only Chronicle employee to put in for it.

There was a certain charm to the old books and perhaps even a slightly musty smell, but Larry didn’t care. As a matter of fact, he sort of liked the smell.

The only problem he’d had was making Balki agree to stay home. They had known each other for more than fifteen years now, but Balki was still as boisterous and curious as ever. Larry knew Balki would want to look through the books, but most of the books couldn’t be touched by hand. Anyone wanting to see a book had to put gloves on.

Larry had brought some of his own books plus a few other things in his briefcase to keep himself occupied, but for now he simply sat at the desk and, for once, relaxed. Honestly, he couldn’t remember the last time he really had this kind of opportunity. With Balki around first, then getting married, having both sets of couples together, and the kids… never mind the fact that he was terrible at relaxing anyway, he’d never really been able to just sit and reflect.


Unfortunately, Larry had dozed off. The room was only lit by two small table lamps. A door opened and a dark figure made its way in. The figure paused briefly, surprised to find Larry there asleep.

The dark figure pulled out a pen flashlight and started looking over the shelves.

A few minutes had passed, when Larry woke up. He wasn’t sure what woke him as he lifted his head, but stopped cold when he saw the dark figure perusing the shelves. His eyes widened and he almost gasped, but managed to catch himself.

Larry needed a plan. He glanced around and his gaze landed on his briefcase. He hoped that would work. He slowly and quietly picked ip the briefcase, then stood and moved up behind the shadowy figure. Larry raised the briefcase and was about to bring it down on the person’s head when they turned to him. Larry froze. His eyes widened like saucers.

The dark figure reached out and pushed Larry back, then chuckled seeing how easy that had been. “Why don’t you just sit back down and let me go about my business and maybe I won’t hurt you.” The voice was deep and gravely.

Larry frowned. He couldn’t let this jerk steal from the library, but he backed off.

“Good decision.” The figure went back to searching the shelves.

Larry needed to do something. The briefcase was still the best idea he had, but he’d been caught once already. He pressed his lips together, upper lip disappearing as usual. He made his decision.

Several minutes passed before the shadowy figure removed a book from a shelf. He tucked it in his black jacket and turned. He saw Larry sitting at the desk and the briefcase on the desk. He smirked at Larry. “Smart guy.” He started for the door.

As soon as the dark figure passed Larry, he was on his feet, briefcase in his hands. He moved behind the figure and swung the briefcase at the same time as the figure turned. The briefcase hit the robber in the face, which unfortunately caused a reflex on the gun he was suddenly holding. Larry had no time to move or even know there was a gun.

The gun went off a split second after the briefcase struck and there were two thumps. Both the robber and Larry were on the floor.


The 9-1-1 call had not been easy. His shoulder hurt like hell and he felt dazed. It felt like an eternity before he heard the sirens. He sighed, willing himself to stay conscious just a little while longer.

Two police officers came in and one turned on the overhead lights, causing him to wince. One officer went to him while the other went to the still prone figure.

“Hey, buddy, you okay? Are you the one that called?”

He nodded. It was all he could manage before he passed out.


He hated hospitals. More than that, he hated emergency rooms. However, he was dazed and in quite a bit of pain that he didn’t even say a word as the cree worked on him. Heck, he didn’t even know what was wrong.

A nurse gave him an injection and he went out again.


“Cousin! Cousin, I know you hear me!”

“Balki, he’s still out.”

“I’ve heard that they can still hear us.”

“Cousin, open up those hazel eyes. We got news you want to hear!”

He couldn’t stand the voices anymore and opened his eyes. He felt a bit lightheaded and sore, but generally okay.

“Larry, are you okay?” Jennifer asked, taking his hand.

“Yeah, I think so. What happened?” Larry said, frowning. He remembered the struggle with the thief, but then nothing.

“You kept that bad man from stealing the most worthless book in the library!” Balki exclaimed.

Larry frowned. That didn’t sound right, but his brain refused to work out what he really meant.

“Priceless, Balki. The most priceless book,” Jennifer explained.

“I said that,” Balki said, confused.

“No, she means priceless as in it’s so value there’s no price tag,” Mary Anne said. She shrugged. “I like watching the antiques show on PBS.”

Larry’s eyes widened. “I saved the book!?”

“Of course you did, do’n be ridiculous! Although you did get your shoulder hurt in the process,” Balki said.

Larry’s eyes widened more, if that was possible. “He shot me!”

“Larry, calm down! Yes, he did, but you’re okay now,” Jennifer said and squeezed his hand.

Larry sighed. “Wow…” He suddenly smiled. “What a great story this will make!”

The others exchanged looks and shrugged. He was right and, in the end, Larry was okay. That was all that mattered.


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