
Write a story that focuses on the theme of reflection. This could be self-reflection, a physical reflecton in a mirror, a reflection of light etc.

Who Am I If I Can’t Be Everyone’s Strong Girl?

You’re that girl who always lend her shoulders for other people to cry on. But you’re also that girl who can’t show her true feelings to other people. You’re the one who holds it all together, the one who carries the weight of the world on her shoulders.

People always expect you to always have it together, that’s why it’s hard to show your weakness to others. What other people expect of me, then it’s what I’ve come to expect of myself.

“If I’m not the one holding everyone else up, what’s left of me? If I show my flaws, will people still see me the same way?”

The hardest realization is that I realize that being everybody’s strong girl, I’ve neglected my own needs and my own struggles.

I also crave for freedom to admit that I’m not always okay, and that sometimes I need help too.

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