The Withdrawal

It was all according to plan, there’s Brink’s armory right on time: 9:03 am on the dot. There’s the car dealership 9:12am, Chevy’s driver needs to slow down a bit or the boss might get mad. Lastly, yep here’s the kid from Burger Chef; thanks kid, as the mysterious figure leans up against the building lighting a cigarette. Yep, just put your bare hands on that clear money deposit bag. I’ll make sure to thank you later.

The mysterious figure then exhales a puff of smoke and waits as his back foot rests along the side of the wall. Just give them a little more time, last nights deposits are just getting processed and then they have to be rechecked by the head teller. The morning huddle will take place shortly after that and then the tellers will start their day, as he takes another drag of his cigarette.

Avoid, the older tellers they know too much, go to a young one they will do what you want. Avoid too short of line, go slow and steady that’s right slow and steady. As he pulls out his sunglasses out of his coat pocket; he always liked the Maverick look, this pair of sunglasses might suit him well after all.

One more check, as he slightly turns toward the door of Springfield Bank: security guard at the door check, shatter proof glass along the side wall check, security cameras above each teller check, managers office to the right and the three exits are all accessible, check. The silent alarm trigger is to the right and underneath the teller windows, you must be fast for the police will be here quickly.

The time is now 11 am, perfect! The mid-day business deposits will be coming in now. The tellers will be busy.

The mysterious gentleman flicks his cigarette to the ground and stomps on it with his old worn out black work boots. He rolls down his sleeves to cover the tribal and sparrow tattoos on his forearm and wrist.

The bank is pretty busy for a Tuesday, it must be the third of the month, that is when most people get their retirement and disability checks, perfect timing he smirks to himself. Hmmm, where to go as he scans the room for his best opportunity.

There! That’s the one, the young blonde with the green headband, Sarah as he glances at the name plate. Line has three people already more people coming in; manager is in her office, helping a couple with a car loan; she will be busy for awhile. Remember, just slip Sarah the note, avoid eye contact; no need to pull out the gun- just let her see it. Just one more person before it is done; no going back now.

“Hello, welcome to Springfield Bank; how can I help you?” as Sarah greets the thirty looking brown haired man in the aviator glasses. Just smile and nod, and give her the note which says: “Stay calm, do not trip the alarm I have a gun, please give me what’s in the drawer, keep the last slot for yourself”.

Sarah responds, “Yes, sir I will get that for you shortly” as she reads the note and sees the butt of a gun in his waistband as he moves his coat aside slightly. He knows about the marked bills and ink packs as she thinks to herself. “I must keep calm, come on Sarah think- what can you do to help this situation?” Then she remembered the old crime dramas she used to watch with her grandfather. There were always two lessons in these shows, the power of observation the who? what? where? why? and how? And always give the person what they want, safety first, it is always better to lose the cash than your life.

Quickly, Sarah observes the mystery man as she puts the money in the bag. He looks thirtyish, medium build, soft spoken, long sleeve navy blue shirt, with the name Andy on it. Probably a fake of course, but still important none the less, worn older looking blue jeans, cheap Timex watch on left wrist, as she continues her catalog of items to remember and then she sees it! As she passes the bag to the man she thought she saw a quick glimpse of a tattoo on the right wrist. It was a small sparrow on the inside wrist! She must remember that tattoo.

Yes come on girl, pass the bag now that’s it. Good! As the stranger reaches for the bag. He moves out of the bank, past the security guard as quickly and quietly as he came and was gone.

Sarah, now very relieved but a little shaken up, immediately triggers the silent alarm, she

puts up her closed sign and quickly walks over to her managers office. Sarah whispers in her ear about what happened and she nods.

The police, as the stranger suspected, were there in three minutes. They escorted Sarah to a private room were she told them everything she remembered about the gentleman, including the “Sparrow Tattoo!”

The tattoo was the very breakthrough the police was needing. They informed Sarah, they already had a case open on this guy. The description-the aviator glasses, the soft voice, note, all matched similar reports in two different counties. The only new description to add to the suspect was the sparrow tattoo. They thanked her and said they would take this information back to the station and run it through their database and see if they can find a match. Unfortunately, the database was negative for anyone that had that distinct sparrow tattoo and the case went cold.

A few months later, Sarah gets a file in the mail from the precinct with a letter, a few photos and a name. In the letter it said: “Captured!”Rodger Sanders, age 31, of Springfield, former loan officer for Sunny Trust Bank, now works at O’Rourks Tire Company in Morristown. The photos in the file were a mugshot of Mr. Sanders and two arm photos of a tribal tattoo and the now famous sparrow tattoo.

The letter stated the department would be contacting her and the other witnesses soon to assist in building their case against Mr. Sanders.

The letter concluded with the Springfield Police Chief congratulating her for her good detective work, without her help they would not have been able to get a lead in the case. He even mentioned in the letter that with her unique ability to stay calm under pressure and her keen skill of observation, she should consider a career in law enforcement, “for your a natural” it said. And with that Sarah, smirked to her self and thought, “Maybe, I will!”

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