Write a story that starts underwater and ends in a kitchen.

It can be in any genre you like as long as the story takes place in these two distinct settings.

What Happened To Me?

I woke up with my vision blurry and not able to breathe air. I panicked. Moving my legs and arms felt different. With each kick and punch I felt the weight of my body at whole. The thought of being underwater struck my mind and I immediately began treading water. I pushed my body upwards as much as I could, but still couldn’t feel the oxygen hitting my lungs. The panic grew more extreme. I could feel my chest ignite into flames as the fear of dying came to me full force. As I kept fighting for my life, I pictured my mom in my mind. The thought of her being alone again without me by her side to care for her crept in. My head began to throb. Pain ran down my temples to my ears, but I couldn’t give up. Not yet. Memories appeared in my mind like a slide show. My mom, my little brother, Zippy. ‘I’m not ready to die. I’m not ready to leave them. Please God, save me!’ I pleded. That’s the last thing I remember. It went black after that. I was sure I was dead. That is until I heard distant voices. Was I in heaven? Or was I alive still? The voices became closer and closer, until I could just barely manage to flutter my eyes open. I was in a kitchen. Surrounded by people I’d never seen before. Where was I? And What happened to me?

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