After The Storm

Using any form of poetry, write about an emotion as if it were a storm.

Calm Before The Storm

My moods seem to change with the tides

I do not find this contrary to my very nature

But to others I’m the epitome of contradiction

On my cool and casual surface

It seems as if I’m a soft and gentle rain,

A prayer that’s been answered

On a scorching hot day

Mr. Weather man ain’t saying nothing about a storm

He assumes just like the rest of em’…

The rain will pass by in the mornin’

But beyond my frosty gaze, the clouds are starting to form

Anticipation and hesitation have begun in full on war

My silence says it all… it’s the calm before the storm

So, just as Mother Nature does, I block my gentle warmth

I seem to crackle with electricity when I walk into the room

A rotation forms within in me.., and the destruction it can do

Lightening from your mouth begins to crash down all around me

But this storm and all its wind and rain is about to change trajectory

Unfortunately for you, you aren’t as prepared as you should be

The rooms begin to darken and the wind begins to scream

So, just as Mother Nature does, my wrath has been unleashed

Do you think your thunder frightens me?

Or that your lightening makes me cower?

Cause I’ll make holy hail rain down- during your thunder shower

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