"We're in this together, but I'm not sure I can trust you," he confessed under his breath.

Continue the story from this line.


“Where in this together.” My twin said holding my hand.

“I’m not sure I should trust you on this one buddy”. I said.

“Oh come on Jess you always suck the fun out of everything. just let me have this.”

“you’re sure this is perfectly safe right?”

“Of course it is…” he paused. _“More or less.” _He mumbled.

“Wait **what**?!” My twin started running towards the ledge. **“Wait! Wait! Wait!” **I shouted.

We jumped. With a spring we landed on the trampoline. “I hate you.” I grumbled to him.

“Nah, you love me.”


Hi 👋 I’m back. Sorry I kinda disappeared for a while. (I just checked it was only 4 days 😅 it felt much longer than that) It’s been really busy 😩 anyway hope you didn’t miss me too much. Have a good day/night/ whatever time it is🫶💖📚

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