Using these three words, explain in first person why your character had to run away from their hometown.
No Going Back
I stood in the front garden unable to move, watching my whole life go up in flames in front of me. How has this happened? One minute I was enjoying a Christmas night out in town with friends and the next I’m stood here, to what I can only describe as pure horror.
Just then I noticed an officer approaching looking very official. I suspect he was the person in charge of ensuring the firemen did their job safely. I snapped myself out of my daze so that I could listen to what he was about to say.
“Miss West, I’m Senior Officer Davies. The police have pointed me in your direction as I was advised you are the home owner of the property. The fire has been put out but will continue to smoke for several hours. Tomorrow a team of specialist will attend to asses how the fire started. Are you able to stay with family or friends in the mean time?”
How can he ask me if I’m able to stay with a family or friends? With what exactly, I only have the clothes on my back and my purse, which was useless this time of year. I’d just done four twelve hotline shifts back to back to get extra money to pay for presents for family and friends as well as to help me get by.
I lifted my hand to my head,
“I’ll speak to a friend to see if they can put me up for a few days”.
The realisation of what was happening hit me, spilling tears from my eyes in front of Officer Davis. I know it’s just bricks and mortar, but it had possessions that were invaluable to me. The officer looked uncomfortable, so I quickly wiped my face.
“Thank you officer I appreciate the update, please would you excuse me, I need a change of scenery and time alone to think about what happens next”.
I walked across to my car, the only material object I had left, got inside and drove away. I couldn’t look back, I was too upset, as there was no going back home again.