Everything Changing

The planet used to be so peaceful and beautiful, but now everything is so dark and horrifying. The greenery turned to fire and ashes. The beautiful sapphire sky has now changed to this murky looking blue color. All of this beautiful color has been destroyed and turned to these gray shades. You may be wondering how this happened. I mean how could the planet lose its color, its life, in just a couple weeks. Don’t get me wrong, it's been years since that day. But no one can ever forget that day.

Past: April 27, 2023

The day started like any Thursday morning.

Wake up.

Curse at yourself for staying up so late.

Get dressed.

Do your makeup.

Do your hair.

Eat your breakfast.

Brush your teeth.

Drive to school.

Nothing different at all from your normal routine… right?

You would be absolutely wrong if you said yes. Not only did we wake up to a world wide alert about the sky being blood red, but we also woke up to it still looking like night, almost feeling like night still. The stars still shined. Okay, maybe “shined” is not the proper word to use. The stars almost looked like they were this intense beam of light, kinda like a spotlight. Even though we had this alert, life went on like normal that day.

April 29, 2023

Two days after the alert and beams of light, everything changed. Not for the best but for the worst. It didn’t happen until the end of the day. When you got off of school and your parents got home. Everyone had to be home with their families by six, it was mandatory by law after the alert. It was almost like the government knew it was coming.

At 8:45, right on the dot, the beams of light came to life. One by one, they came crashing down to the ground. The only way you knew is if one crashed right next to you. They weren’t loud at all, more like silent. I don’t even remember hearing them hit the ground until one crashed right into our tv.

It wasn’t a normal star, it was a ufo. The thing that came out of it wasn’t what you expect to be in a ufo. It looked just like you and me.

Brown hair, blue eyes and the only thing that looked off was the eye right smack in the middle of all of there foreheads. They didn’t look scary or intimidating, more of fear in their eyes.

The next thing that came out of their mouth was actual English, not some messed up language. Everything I thought and knew about aliens went out the window that day.

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