Write a story about a character who’s considering quitting, but decides to give it one last go.
The End: Part 1
My name is Pedro O’Hara and it is my job to protect.
Over the years I have adopted many names, some cool, like the Masked Warrior. Many uncool like the Crime-stopping Spandex. Though, no matter what my name was, I always did my duty.
Today is a big day, because today is the day that I retire. Even though I’m only 30 doesn’t mean I can’t retire, right? I mean there is so many more people that need help from those who live in the shadows, but I’m done with that stuff right?
Okay, okay, you convinced me, one more job.
I tune in my radio to the local police to hear what my final bust should be. “Fzzzzzzz … this is Robert on 23rd street, there seems to be a robbery happening … fzzzzzz” a robbery huh, I think that will suffice. I jog to my car in the garage (hey, can’t a guy save his energy). I get in, it’s a classic 1999’ Mercedes. I drive out, as I hit 60 on the highway connected to 23rd street I hear the faint sound of gunfire. Aw man, an armed robbery, I hate guns. I approach the jewelry store that’s being robbed in my costume of course. As one of the armed robbers takes a glance at my recognizable costume, he starts firing his smg at my head. Of course he over 100 feet away so I easily avoid his bullets as I slowly (remember I’m old), but dramatically walk toward him. Instead of thinking ‘I wonder where the other one is’ like I should have, I set all of my attention to the little 20 year old with the gun. As I finally reach him, I put my gloved hand around his neck, lift him up, he releases a light choke from my tight grip, good this kid needs to learn a lesson. “Don’t you ever do junk like this again, or else.” I put my finger from my other hand across my throat in a neck cutting manner. He nods, cries a little, then to my surprise he looks behind me, then at me, and smiles. “What’s so funny?” I ask him. Then I the unexpected feeling like from a drop in a dark roller as a loud bang is released. I let go of the kid, drop to my knees, put one hand on my chest, see my stomach is releasing blood and fast, I pass out.
I should have retired.