The Aftermath
Write a story or poem with this as the title
The Aftermath/So Yeah, I’m Angry
fuck your silver linings
they never got me anywhere
you played me like the fool i was
because you knew you had my heart
in your freckled hands
and how i lay awake
or dreaming
at night with you and
you and you and you
and your touch
on my cluttered mind
you took my chance
and threw it at someone else
shut me out
and flew away
i showed you my dark side
did it scare you?
i let you in
did you feel at home?
you killed the light
did you intend to destroy the tunnel too?
my fatal flaw is jealousy
so how does it feel
to know you’ve left my dreams?
how does it feel
to no longer be the object
of my desperation?
you had your chance
and you let it rot
didn’t reach out
and left me to pick up the pieces
fuck you for being afraid
i was scared too
you pretend like everything’s fine
i’ll let you think that
but just know this
i never stopped fighting
throughout the aftermath
and you and you and you
and your smell that i found comfort in
can wallow in your own damn mess