Void and Frigid

With the ever-growing population needing more water than was still left on earth, scientists had finally found a method for desalting ocean water and making it drinkable on a large scale.

There had been some protests about sea creatures but with globing warming having gotten worse for decades now. There were barely any creatures left in the sea; and either way, all species humanity knows of had already been put into specialized facilities that would actually help sustain them anyway. The oceans had stopped being livable for most creatures around 50 years ago and many forests as well as the Arctic and Antarctic had also been artificially gotten preserved so not all species would be lost because of our failures.

The process scientists had developed had taken a little over two years to take most of the salt out of the ocean water, getting it to a salinity where it could now just be filtered the same as any river or lake water to then function as drinkable water.

In those last two years, strange things had started happening though. More and more ships were disappearing without even a single SOS sent off, right from the middle of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. And more and more people using some of the few still usable beaches had reported sightings of strange animals swimming in the water, lurking just out of sight but clearly noticeable.

Satellite images hadn’t been helpful either since imaging over the ocean seemed to just not work anymore.

Some religious groups had started protesting and trying to warn people about the coming End of Time; they had postulated that the Day of Judgment was close with everything that was happening on the earth but no one had believed those doomsday prophets who just seemed to spout the same story every year anyway.

They should have though, because salt has been used for years to ward off evil. And as the oceans are drained and filtered to be made drinkable, the evil that was trapped there is unleashed.

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