
Hate that I have to park here. Not sure it’s safe but I can’t go any further. Besides, there’s no place for me to go. Lousy to think that, but it’s true. At least for now. Nowhere to go. Actually, worse, no one to go to.

Seems like an OK place to hang for the night. Other cars around, street is fairly quiet except for those kids chatting on the bench at the corner. Is that a bus stop or just a city bench? No sign above it. Well, no worries. Got to stop saying that. Actually, I’m a bit scared. Haven’t had to spend a night in the car for a long time, not since Silve got so mad she threw that pot. Yes, I sort of deserved it but spending the night in the car, that was too much.

Wow, that older couple walking, her arm linked in his. A smile on each of their faces. Chatting. Wonder what it’s like to connect like that. To feel safe and fun all at once. Mom and Dad hardly touched each other. Silve used to pull back when I reached for her hand. Wasn’t like that at the beginning, only later.

Duck down! A cop car coming slowly down the block. Don’t want any hassles about sleeping in the car. Not now. Don’t see them in the mirror any more. Stretch my back. Getting old. It never ached like this before. Oh, darn. A bunch of guys coming down the sidewalk toward me. Heard the boom box and now I see them. A few of them are slip-sliding a bit, how much have they had to drink? Down again. Bass from that box shakes the car, louder, then beginning to fade. Phew, they’re passing. Hate being out in the middle of the night. Street is empty now. It’s quiet. Guess it’s OK to put the seat back now.

Ouch, the sun’s right in my eyes. Wow, I slept through. Back is stiff, need to move. What luck, that coffee shop across the street just opened its door. I really need a strong cup now and I’ve got enough cash to treat myself. Coffee, and a pee, then it’s on the road for me. Another day going nowhere.
