A young child goes to sleep in his bed and wakes up in his favourite story.

Continue the story. What elements of storytelling need to be paid particular attention to when the protagonist is a young child?

lily in wonderland

“good night sweet girl,” melissa said.

“good night mommy!” lily exclaimed. her mother turned on her night light and walked out of the pink-walled room, leaving lily to sleep. melissa had just read lily her favorite story, alice in wonderland, and lily was anxious to read what happens next, even though she already knew.

as she nodded off, she pictured she was alice, falling down the rabbit hole.

falling, falling, falling…

lily awoke with a start. she was laying on soft ground, what felt like dirt. her red hair was sprawled out above her head, as though she had just fallen. lily sat up and was very surprised at what she saw. there was a door some way down the path that was very colorful. she got up and walked hesitantly towards the door.

there were messily painted words that said “to wonderland!” could this be real? was lily about to walk into her favorite story of all time?

lily grabbed the door handle and pulled it open. a warm wind gently greeted her as she looked onto the fantastical world.

large mushrooms towered over like trees, and she spotted multiple creatures throughout the forest, but on particular one caught her eye; a white rabbit. it was hopping along very frantically, glancing down at a pocket watch every once in a while.

lily smiled and stepped into wonderland.

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