
The leaves beneath

my feet are crushing,

The sound of crunches

leaves, ring my ears.

As the beat of my heart is sprinting.

“Alice!” The shout that

escapes my throat,

Echoes throughout

the dark woods.

The cry is full

of desperation.

That will perish

the joy in my life.

The orbs of my eyes seek

Every spot in the teeming

forest of wood.

The heart of my chest feels like it’s

crushing itself,

I need to find her.

I need to find my little girl.

She brings the joy that

I was looking for in this life,

She is the one who

cherishes my red heart.

The light of the sun

Is darkening,

While the white light from

The Moon,

is brightening.

The hands of my body,

Is trembling as the vision

Of my eyes are pitch black.

My knees cripple down

On the ground full of leaves.

Tears of rain form in my eyes,

Voiding the hope that I can’t

Held any longer.

I can’t lose her.

I can’t have her lost.

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