Inspired by Shadow Queen
'I've created a monster'...
Write a poem that is centred around this line.
The Monster In The Mirror
I look at my reflection
Haunted, empty eyes stare back
As I gaze at my broken face
The mirror starts to crack
It’s said that mirrors tell the truth
That eyes are the window to the soul
Yet when I look, all I see is a soul of fire and a heart of coal
Sometimes I ask how I became this way
The darkness of night drowning out the light of day
I wish I could say what happened to me, what awful truths of life I was forced to see
The mirror shatters, the glass cutting my skin
As my blood pools on the floor, my mind tells me this is how it will begin
I don’t shy away from the torment or hide from the pain
This is the path I have walked, the future I’ve made
It doesn’t take long to fall to the floor, my vision swooping and fading, as I’m at hell’s door
Smiling softly, I walk downward as I’m bade
For my darling, monsters aren’t born, they’re made