Capture a conversation between two characters who have a secret history.

Let their dialogue reveal their past relationship without explicitly stating it. Pay attention to body language and unspoken tension.

Fake Friends


Six period class ended early due to a family of roaches infesting Mr. Nase’s classroom. I wonder how that got there, could it have been pay back for giving a certain student detention yesterday?

Since class ended early, I headed towards my locker to touch up my makeup before heading to the library.

I walked in dragging my backpack along he carpeted floor. As I’m about to sit down, I glance over to my right and a wave of déjà rolled over me.

There, practically buried under a five foot stack of math and science— or whatever— books is Eloise. _Great, I’m starting to regret the whole cockroach thing. _

I scan the room quickly in a desperate search for a seat any but next to Eloise. All the other seats are taken, except the one right _next_ to her. Sometimes, I really hate karma.

Well, there’s no where else to go unless I skip school—and there’s no point in that, I’d get caught. Again.

Before I can stop it, I walk over and plop down in the seat next to Eloise.


I’d just finished reading a mystery novel, but the ending was very anticlimactic, so I returned it to library and instead checked out these really fascinating alchemy and chemistry books when very suddenly, Diana occupies the seat next to me. _Why? Was this punishment for getting a 98% on my ELA test yesterday?! _

Me and Diana haven’t talked since the third grade.

I didn’t want to say anything, but the awkward silence got to me—silence like this is a pet peeve of mine for whatever reason— I cleared my throat and before I knew what I was doing, I let out a simple: “Hello.”

It felt like the entire library had gone silent, but a few seconds later—felt like an eternity— she replied: “I want to sit near you, but I don’t have a choice, so don’t think where friends now or anything.”

_Ugh_. Why does she always do this?


I’d just put that little geek, Eloise in her place when she slammed the nerdy book she was reading down onto the table with a big THUD!!!

“Watch your mouth, it’s not like I want to be near you either, Overrated Princess.”

I roll my eyes, I don’t want to take her bait but that was the worst comeback in the history of comebacks.

“_Overrated Princess?” _I snort, “That’s the best you can do?” I flip my shoulder length blonde hair behind my shoulder.

“I’d say you should get out more, but you don’t any friends. M’est be lonely.”

I mean it in a sorta mean way— if I say something too outline I’ll get another months worth of detention— but there was some truth to that, it must be lonely, and sad, not that I care.

I’m about to walk away when Eloise whispers something under her breath.


“What was that?” Diana asked me in a more than harsh voice.

I speak a little louder this time, not wanting a one else to hear this but aanting Diana to. “At least I don’t have fake friends who use me while I stay oblivious to the fact that I’m only popular cause I’m fake friends with them. Also, I don’t pretend to use ‘The Nerds’ then kick them to the curb.”

I have to admit, not much of a comback, but every single was true. I just hope Diana realizes that.


_Hmph_. I don’t necessarily like Eloise, but she had some thruth to that, but not about the fake-friend-popular-thing. Right?

I stand up ready to walk out. But before I do I nibble a few words to Eloise

“_I’m_ _sorry_.” Then, I walk out of there with whatever pride I have left. Eloise looks star-strucked.


“Me too.” I say before I hit the alchemy books agin. _Me too. _

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