Write a fantasy story based around the last message you sent to a friend.
The Fantasy genre typically contains magic, supernatural or mythological elements.
Deadly Knowledge
The greatest library in the world is also the deadliest - a reality that could tip the scales of my fate.
I’m trying hard not to dwell on that fact as I venture through the dark cavern halls of the infamous place leading me to the center that houses infinite knowledge.
It’s a place of legend most don’t believe.
But my ancestors built it so I know it’s real.
Too bad they didn’t leave me instructions on how to bypass the deadly entrance to get what I seek. Just how to get there if I ever needed to.
My sister’s slowing heartbeat echoing in my ears in tandem with each step I take, my lungs heaving in the musty air around me.
I have to do this. It’s the only way to save her from the same illness ravaging the continent with no known cure. We believed we would be safe from its clutches but we were so very wrong. A multitude have died and now, my sister faces the same death.
I’ve contacted every healer and mage on the continent but none have answers. In my desperation, I came here. I’m confident that this library that holds the most knowledge, the most archaic tomes, and notable grimoires of the greatest mages in history would have some answers for me.
The only problem is that in order to gain the knowledge I seek, I have to cross the threshold into a pit of darkness where the library will judge my worthiness of gleaning the information it holds. If worthy, a stone path will form under me and I will speak aloud what I seek and will be given it. But if I am found unworthy, I will fall to my death where countless others have found their eternal home.
Most would find this gruesome. But I don’t, and nor did my ancestors who created this place in a time where knowledge was being destroyed by a tyrant.
It was a time where the land was lit aflame with the embers of burning pages.
Modern historians have been unable to quantify just how much knowledge was lost in the great fires of that era.
My family covertly found and stashed as many books as possible during that time before beginning the work of creating the magical library. They were forced into hiding here when the tyrant learned what they had been doing. My grandmother used to share the stories her grandfather told her of when he lived here as a small child. It always left me in awe of my ancestors. They were courageous to safeguard the most precious thing in the world.
Our family believes that any knowledge worth having is worth giving everything to obtain it and keep it safe from being forgotten. This is instilled in us as children and is the mantle we still carry in sharing the knowledge we’ve learned with those less fortunate.
As I continue through the cavern, following the path I had memorized, I remind myself why I am doing this. I need answers to save my sister. This is my last resort and option, before I know I will have to accept her death. This could save her but also so many others too.
The darkness pushes against me like it wants me to stay away, but I raise my lantern higher in an effort to keep even my rising fear at bay. The pressure thickens, as I near what I assume is the library entrance, forcing me to fight for each step forward.
I notice patterns begin to form chaotically along the walls. I drag my hand against a large whirl on the smooth wall as I continue towards the entrance, the extra pressure ensuring I remain standing against the heavy haze I trudge against.
If the library is already working against my entrance, will it even find me worthy when I take the step of faith required to gain what I am looking for?
My hands go clammy at the thought.
An eerie whisper of many voices breaks through the stillness, gaining volume as I begin to see the black stone arch form from within the murky darkness ahead of me.
I gasp as the library begins to solidify before my eyes. Beyond the obsidian arch I can see the walls of the library in the shape of a circle, the shelves filled with countless books of every size and color. Webs hang across some of the shelves but beyond that every book I can see appears whole despite surviving in the murky darkness for centuries. Perhaps a spell keeps them intact.
No floor beyond the threshold as expected. I move slowly to stand beneath the arch, my feet skirting the edge of the looming pit. I hook my arm around the cold stone arch as I crane my neck to see further into the library. My eyes widen as I realize that the top and the bottom of the shelves simply disappear into darkness.
Swallowing a gulp, I take a step back with trembling legs into the safety of the cavern.
I’m confident that the knowledge I need for my sister is just within reach but I don’t know if I can do this. She’s my only remaining family so if I don’t try, I will be left alone. But I risk death if I do this and the library believes I am not worthy.
Turning on my heels quickly, resolved to do what I set out to do, I walk as far back into the cavern as possible.
Facing the fate set before me, I take in a deep breath before sprinting towards the pit of the library feeling the rush of wind pulling against my clothes.
I push off the edge and vault myself over the edge hoping I am worthy of what I seek.
Hello, daughter of knowledge._**