Submitted by Sariah Barlow

Crystals floated around her and her skin sparkled in the light. I could see diamonds tears covering her cheeks; she knew as well as I did that we wouldn’t survive this. The refractions hadn’t been in our favour this time.

Together As One

We had always dreamt about the perfect future; a big red house, perfect for raising a big happy family together.

When Tyra became pregnant we knew we had to start making our dream come true.

Hand in hand we walked together, down to the ran down pier. Almost as the moon guided us towards it, and it’s reflection in the sea. The old wooden panels squeaked below us, but Tyra’s steps were steady as ever. She was ready to risk EVERYTHING for the good life we so desperately longed for.

We squeezed ourselves into the rowing boat. There’s had to be ten-fifteen of us, at least. Tyra’s hand squeezes mine, reminding me of who and what we are doing this for.

We’d been rowing the boat for what felt like months. I don’t know how long we’ve been travelling for, but our food ran out two days ago, which had an impact on Tyra. She needed to be eating for two, but didn’t get any nutrition at all. She stopped rowing, she had no energy at all. She looked dead, yet breathing and groaning every now and then.

Food ran out four days ago and rowing is done in turns, 10 minutes then switch. Energy is low. Some have already passed, and some have been thrown overboard. There are eight of us left.

That’s when they decided to get rid off some dead weight.

"Look, we can’t carry any extra weight, you’re not doing your share"

"Your baby is probably dead at this point anyways"

After those words were spoken, they threw her overboard.

They threw Tyra overboard. My Tyra. With my unborn baby. My entire family, just chucked overboard like they meant nothing.

I immediately jumped after her, but she was sinking.


I urged her. But there was no use.

Crystals floated around her and her skin sparkled in the light. I could see the diamond tears covering her cheeks; she knew as well as I did that we wouldn’t survive this.

We hugged tight and enjoyed our family as we sunk to the depths of the ocean, together as one.

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