Hard Head, Soft A…

Our heads bobbed to the lyrics of the song. Some threw back shots of liquor. Others posted on the wall scheming the room. Everyone began to belt the lyrics of the hook in unison. BOOM. BOOM. The gunshots bellowed a command to drop. Though confused no one waited to understand. My ears rang as bullets sped past us penetrating any matter. In this moment we realized how fragile these bodies were. How thin this skin was. Though my thoughts were scrambled, prayers filled my body and spilled out of my mouth. Our clothing started to become saturated, however we didn’t dare to inspect. Each shot was louder than the last. Screams replaced the rap music that once blared through the speakers. On our bellies like soldiers we lay waiting to sprint to the nearest exit. After a few seconds of silence people began to file out. As the wind hit our faces our feet hit the ground with force in each step. Anyone on the floor would be trampled. The inertia from the race to safety caused us to hit the car with force. This was one of the first lessons, but certainly not the last.

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