C'est La Vie

0752: clock-in

0756: fill coffee cup

0759: relieve the previous shift

0801: oh joy - camera 17 is on the fritz. Better call Facilities to check it out

0803: "Facilties, Roger speaking." "Hey, Roger. Camera 17 - east hallway, 3rd floor - has an intermittent signal. Would you send someone to check it out?" "How urgent is it?" "I mean, it's *supposed* to work - but I guess...before lunch if possible?" "Hehhhhah...OK. I'll see what I can do. Might not be til this afternoon, though." "Alright, I'll make a shift note that I called and you'll send someone. Thanks. Bye."

0806: [shift note #1] called Facilities to report camera 17 needs maintenance. Roger said someone'd be down to look at it before CoB

0810: out of coffee. Crap. Where in the bloody monkey is Susan? Grobblemumblebubbleblap

0907: "Hey, Clarence! Would you mind grabbing me a refill on my mug? Bring some Splenda and creamers back? Thanks!"

0918: "Clarence, you are the *MAN*! Appreciate it, dude!" "Sure thing. Hey - where's Susan?" "Beats me - she's usually in before me"

1011: only 10:11? Geez! 1 hour 19 minutes to lunch

1032: 58 minutes to lunch

1036: 54 minutes to lunch...Could the clock go *any*slower?

1037: oh look...53 minutes to lunch

1042: [ringringin] "Hello, Security" "Is Susan available, it's Derek" "Haven't seen her today, Derek. Is she out?" "Not that I know of. Thanks - I'll call back later"

1043: Where *IS* Susan?

1101: 29 minutes to lunch

1125: "Derek - you're a lifesaver. I am *starving*! Be back about noon...want anything from Bam Burgers?" "Nah - my wife packed me lunch. Enjoy"

1159: "Thanks, again, Derek. See you tomorrow" "Have a good one"

1257: "Derek? Yeah. It's me again...you mind covering for a minute? Lemonade just hit. Thanks"

1305: "Snagged you a Butterfinger from the vending machine. Wonder where Susan is." "Thanks...but I'm trying to cut down on sweets...but you're right - they *are* my favorite" "Oops..well. Take it for later?" "Nah, you keep it here - maybe I'll need it next time I cover you on lunch"

1407: where the heck is Susan? ...[ringri] "Sherry? Have you heard from Susan today?" "No...I haven't. I take it she didn't call you?" "No. This isn't like her" "Yeah. Well ok...Call me if you hear anything"

1442:[rin] "Security" "it's Roger. Check that camera, would you?" "Sure. Umm...well - it's not static/flashing now. I'll call that good." "Call again if anything goes wrong. Bye"

1517: we need an office pet. Like a frog or turtle or chameleon or something. Nothing ever happens - it's be nice to have something else to pay attention to

1549: [ringringri] "Security" "It's Derek - you wanna see a movie tonight? My wife's got book club, and there's gotta be something playing better than Netflix-and-chill" "Sure - I'm off in 41 minutes - see you at the theater about 5?" "Cool"

1626: "Hey, Ian - where's Susan?" "Haven't seen her today, Chris" "Weird. Hope she's ok" "Me, too" "Got any plans tonight?" "Yeah, me and Derek are gonna catch a movie" "Be back in a sec"

1628: [ringri] "Security" "Ian, it's Sherry. Just got a call from Susan's husband, Barry"

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