Capture a conversation between two characters who have a secret history.
Let their dialogue reveal their past relationship without explicitly stating it. Pay attention to body language and unspoken tension.
Midnight (Part three)
“Who are you?” Circe asked me as we ran.
“I told you my name.” I replied. We took a sharp turn down a hallway and I could hear the screams of the people. Either the spirits had arrived or they had found Eros’s body.
“That’s not enough. I don’t even know what your intentions are.”
“To get the Crown of Iris.” We ran out the main door and down to the gardens. No one was chasing us, but they would be soon.
Circe stopped running. “Of course. You want to use me to get the crown. I would say that you work for Eros, but you killed him. I don’t even know how you did it.”
I stopped too. “Neither do I. I don’t work for Eros. I want the crown for my own reasons. It’s the biggest thing to steal. I’m curious though. How are you alive?”
The witch laughed. “I was put into Eros’s debt. He would keep my alive, if I helped him. But he betrayed me. Our deal is broken now.”
“Good. I need you alive.” We looked over at the garden entrance. “We could go in there.” I suggested.
“And do what?”
“Escape.” I smirked.
Circe walked closer to me. “I thought you wanted to crown. If we leave now, we’ll never get it.” She said.
“What’s the point of having the crown if you’re dead? If we leave now, we could probably still get out of here alive. If we go back in there, we are going to die. Either from the guards or the spirits. Pick one.”
She actually thought about it. I almost laughed. She was actually debating going back in there. Why? What would that accomplish other than get us killed?
“Fine. We’ll leave, but what will we do then?”
I smirked at her. “Lay low and do whatever we want. Steal. Magic. Live. We’ll come back when we have a plan.”
Circe smiled. I knew she’d never lived a normal life. I was offering her a chance to escape all of this.
“Ok.” She said.
Then we ran off into the unknown and to whatever came next.