Create a character with a specific personailty flaw. Detail this flaw and how it affects their life, perhaps including a scene where it leads them to make a bad decision.

Benny Belter

And here we see young Benny Belter sitting at his table. Unable to speak another word after the last incident. Ever since a child, Benny Belter was the loudest in the room. Some times those outbursts younger Belter would boast could be funny as they come. Or they could cut like knives through the awkward air as the tension grew from the venom spewed.

No one ever knew why Benny Belter would live up to his sir name like a bad comic book character. What the town never knew of the Belter boy was that a very terrible disease plagued him. Belt after Belt lay across Benny B since those days. Leading to this day of reckoning.

Today, the world had enough. So Benny sits at the table for his crimes. But as the sentence is laid upon Belter for the things he said. The Doctor gave a line that sent chills down his parents back. “Young Belter had Tourette’s” she said. Suddenly the crowd turned red and Benny found that he was never an awful fowl mouthed kid. Now he’s gotta deal with what the Trauma will leave with him.

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