You live in a world where you are assigned a pet animal since birth.

It is not necessary to include mythical animals but don’t feel limited to just domesticated pets!

A Plague Of Birth

This world hasn’t been the same since the incident. Many of us don’t know what caused it, but what we know is that it left us with a world which had forever changed.

Women all over the globe fell ill with the same mysterious symptoms. A boiling fever that left their skin damp to the touch. Misty eyes covered with a glass-like film. But most chilling, a belly suddenly great with child.

The scientist said that it was the first sign of the great collapse, and before we could react the women gave birth. Children without fathers, was suddenly the least of our concerns cause the infants were accompanied by… animals.

I am one of those children, and Sir is my birth animal.

After my mother died giving birth to me and him, my father hadn’t been capable of raising us both. I picture myself in his arms as he with a tearfully wretched face delivers us at the orphanage. That’s at least what I hope had happend.

His jetblack eyes stares at me like i’ve done something wrong. I know it’s his job to make me question my actions, but the way he does it hits like syringes through the heart.

“Can you for once please stop staring like I just killed someone?” I say with a whisper. I know it’s a long shot to ask him.

Instead of a follow-up question, he just slithers on.

“Just making sure you don’t land yourself in trouble,” he hisses almost like he’s about to give up on me.

I let out a sigh before eyeing the beautifully lit window casting a dim light a few feet above my head. The silhuette of a slender figure had peaked my interest.

Since my birth Sir has been my only companion. The time at the orphanage would have been pure torture hadn’t it been for him cuddling up next to me to ease the pain. We’d both been abandoned shortly after birth, but as if God existed he had placed us together. In this world, where nothing is of the ordinary, we have travelled together like brothers.

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