Jaspers realization

Jaspers body trembled as he eyed his surrondings trying to act as non suspicious as possible, he could feel the burning glare and sadastic smile of his captor; which just happen to be a full on psycho that was minutes away from ending his life. Which isn’t that big of a deal, was it? Jasper thought to himself.

Grey stormy eyes searched the full dirty basment once more when a chilling realization hit him. There was no way out. No physical way ateast. No. He’d need to use his Irish wit to get him out and alive.

“ So murder huh” He cleared his throat starting off by testing the water in an almost comedic way. “Not too big on it, myself. I get the appeal though” Jasper spoke out again, his accent thick. “ whatda we say to a lil game huh? You give me five minutes to plead my case on why I should be let go- “ he took a deep breath before continuing “and if you dont like what i have to say or you get bored, you can just kill me”

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