Write a story where an object that is inconspicuously mentioned early on is a key element of the plot towards the end of your story.
Using an object is an easy way to foreshadow an idea, but you could also try using something else like dialogue, or another character, to foreshadow your plot.
Nebulous lily
A samurai rides horse back into a small village pursued by an assassin sent by a rival. Along the way into town he notices a flower deep purple and specked with white.
“my what a beautiful flower .“
he remarks but thinks nothing more of it as he races to his destination.
The village in question is said to be the home of a famous herbalist and medicine man. As he approaches the village he remarks to himself that it resembles any traditional edo period town, beautiful in any season, but especially in the winter. Smoke rises from thatched houses blanketed in a thick layer of snow only disturbed by the tracks of its citizens going about their day. As beautiful as it was, the 13 or so houses surrounded in farmland did not seem like the place for such a famous man as this herbalist, he thought as he rode through town. Thankfully at this time of day the foot traffic was at its lowest, with most in for supper and the warmth of a hearth. He finally arrives at his destination, the estate of the herbalist a large temple like building hidden behind a dirty road and thick bushes. The front of the estate flaunted zen gardens and reflecting ponds, common among the rich at the time. He dashed in through the courtyard along a stone path carefully weaving to avoid any display beautiful lawn art and stone decorations.
Finally, he reaches the front door. Dashing through, eyes frantically searching till they finally came upon a finely dressed elderly man in a yellow silk kimono patterned in storks and water lily filled ponds.
He was wrinkled in a way that almost embodied wisdom with a long flowing moustache and soul patch.
The samurai drops to his knees in front of the herbalist and begs “please you must help me my wife is dying of crimson fever and I need something to cure her ailments.”
The herbalist face settled from shock to a smile, and tells him to rise
“of course I will help you my good man what you require is a potion made with a nebulous lily a beautiful flower it’s said to reflect the deepness of space specked with the stars.” “But first come let us speak some about my services.”
He invites the samurai to sit and have tea as the samurai calms and rests from his long journeys.
The herbalist goes on to say “usually it is rare to find one of these Lily’s, but you are in luck because I happen to be growing one that is ready for harvest, we can go at once.”
The samurai was overjoyed, he pays the herbalist for his help and they begin to make their way to the site of the flower. As they arrive the samurai begins to feel strange and worry, but thinks nothing of it with the cure for his wife just in steps away. As they arrive the samurai jumps off his horse and hurry’s toward the location of the lily. As he nears he see a familiar flower the beautiful flower he saw on his ride, suddenly he falls to the ground foaming from the mouth. The herbalist kneels down and says “Hanoi sends his regards.”