Crashing To Death

Fear rushed through my veins as they slowly gained up on us. I paddled harder, spraying water back. “Faster!” I told Kira.

“I’m trying!” she responded. We had been running - or more of paddling - for almost an hour straight by now. My muscles burned, but our chasers didn’t even look tired. Why were they after us anyways? We had been minding our own business when they started coming toward us - fast.

“Um, bad news,”Kira said. “I think there’s a water fall ahead.

“Are you fucking kidding me!” I shouted.


I focus ahead. In the distance, the water looked like it had suddenly stopped. Now I was listening, I could hear the sound of crashing water.

The current sped up, enough where we didn’t have to paddle anymore. I glanced back, and saw that our pursuers and went to the shore. We were to close to go back. The only choice was to brace the fall.

“Hold on!” I yelled.

We drop down, down, down. In the beginning, we were on the stream of water. And then we flew off into the air. My stomach flipped around, as the wind streaked past us. I could tell Kira isn’t taking the experience any better than I was. After all, she had a fear of heights.

Water filled my nose when we plummeted into the water. My ears pounded and in my blurry vision, I saw Kira struggling too. She couldn’t swim! I tried to reach her, but a strong current pushes me back. I had to get air. I swam up and broke through the surface, gulping in sweet, precious air. Then I go back down, searching for my friend. Kira was no where in sight.

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