Write a poem inspired by a colour.


Every time I reached out,

you’d pull me out of the waves.

You’d hold me close and only let me down when we reached the safety of the white foamy waters.

It was innocent love,

pure as snow,

soft as marshmallows and bunnies and dim lantern glows.

Whipped cream on the tip of my nose,

the cold wind of winter blows

it was a white Christmas with you.

The intricate painting of our lives weaved with colors so vibrant and bright,

but in March when the ice melted,

you took your paintbrush and dipped it in white.

You painted across my canvas, erasing the colors we made together.

The only ones left were from yours.

My blank canvas lays empty with white,

you’ve removed yourself from my life.

Like the color white is destined to do,

I was only ever able to reflect my feelings for you.

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