Your child comes home from school with an important item, which sets off a thrilling chain of events.
Writing from the point of view of the parent, continue this story...
“Mom!” followed by a loud crack of the door being slammed shut broke the silence Tiffany had just been relishing.
“Shit” she muttered before yelling back “in here baby!”.
Don’t be mistaken. Tiffany loved all three of her children, but she also loved the sweet 45 minutes of silence she got before her youngest was the first to return home from school.
“Guess what! Tomorrow is western day at school and we have to dress like cowboys!” he practically screamed as he came bouncing in the kitchen waving the reminder flyer from his teacher.
“What?! I thought that was next week!”. Immediately the unending list of to do’s Tiffany had just been carefully avoiding came crashing back down to earth with the most recent, and let’s be honest equally foremost and unessential task, thrown into the mix.
“How about you wear your rubber boots with your blue jeans!” Tiffany threw out with little hope it would fly.
“My rubber boots?? Mom everybody else is gonna be wearing hats and everything!”
Tiffany sighed. Maybe she could get her husband to pick up a “cowboy hat” on the way home from work?
No, she might as well deal with this before the other kids got home and started to demand dinner. If only he had remember to warn her a couple of days ago. She longed for the days when she actually had time to order the likes of cowboy hats from the comfort of her own couch with the promise, nay the magic, of two day shipping. “Okay fine, come on” she grumbled as she grabbed her keys and took he first and final sip of the glass of pino she had just managed to pour for herself.
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