Art by Sans @

Write a Halloween-inspired story or poem which includes this character.
Comfortable Greeting
He watches from a distance as the butterfly finds some one to greet. This man has a grotesque appearance. Sickly pale skin, a missing nose, faint pupils, and wrinkles that stretches every inch of his skin all describes his figure. Horrified by the looks of others, he covers most of his body in modest clothing. Today, he wears a thick black trench coat with a scarf that lays over half of his face. His hands hold the handle of an umbrella. Clouds gathered in the sky earlier that day, but rain had yet to fall. Still his umbrella remains open to shield his face more.
Following the butterfly from a distance entertained the reclusive man. Unlike him, it is beautiful. Bight blue wings, a delicate demeanor, and graceful movement describes it. The butterfly danced across the sky, seeking comfort from passers by. However, they ignored it. Suddenly, the sky roared and rain began to fall. The butterfly steered backward and frantically dodged under an umbrella. The safety was short lived. A hand brushed the butterfly out from under the umbrella. The man observed, while remaining still. He believed the butterfly would find someone to accept it’s cover easily. However, the passers by kept shooing it away.
The butterfly approached the man. He remained still, while the butterfly darted to areas under the man’s umbrella. It finally settled on the man’s hand. The man stared as the butterfly comfortable rested on his still hand. He questioned why the butterfly took refuge with him, rather than under a non-ugly object. The man began to walk under a store canopy and waited for the butterfly to leave his presence. He waited there until the rain let up. Then he stared walking home with the butterfly still happily thriving on his hand. The man questioned why this butterfly decided to keep him company, even though the rain had gone. Even though he wished better for the butterfly, this greeting brought him great comfort.