Submitted by Aster
Write from the perspective of a character that has been experimented on their entire life.
Consider how they view themselves, and how they feel about the world, after the extensive modification of their body.
Is this my life?
You are born with a name. You think you have known your parents, your siblings, your family. You have your childhood stories - stories of love and curiosity. Your have your Childhood friends and some become best friends you share your whole world with. Then you go to school and have a whole new universe that shapes your growing self. Treachery, betrayal, love, ambition, success and failure - all that builds you slowly into who you are today.
Sometimes, there is something in your dreams, a recurring dream that has always made you feel a bit uneasy. You see yourself in a mirror, but it is not you who looks back. It is a sad stranger trying to say something and then the image slowly blurs and vanishes.
This dream has always made you feel uneasy as if some deep secret has been buried in your body. You learn to live with it by ignoring it. After all you can't do anything about it. It is just a bad dream.
One day, you notice small violet circles on your left hand. Only a couple of hours later they have doubled. You panic and rush to the nearest hospital. Your ID cannot be verified. You scream in panic. The whole world seems to be collapsing like a false decor of poorly staged second-rate film. And then all those blurry dreams rush to you and scream in your face - You are not you. Your body, like a treacherous friend continues to exhibit growing violet circles now on both of your hands. All you know You are seized with fear and paranoia. You lose ground overwelemd with one single thought - Who am I? What is happening with me?