Your protagonist is awoken by a sound that they didn't expect yet; their dragon egg has begun to crack.
Falling Into A Surprise
The wind is rushing past me as I’m gazing towards a cloudy sky. I’m falling, slowly. I savor the freefall and close my eyes, willing my mind to let me land on a fluffy cloud once I reopen my eyes. Most people hate having dreams of falling, but the anxiety goes away once you learn how to control your dreams. I suppose most people that are gifted with lucid dreaming would choose to fly instead of slowly falling, but flying doesn’t give you this feeling. The pure feral energy of just letting go and laying against the wind, letting gravity drag you down. Changing the pace from slowly floating, to rapidly descending. I take a deep breathe and slowly start to open my eyes as I picture a soft cloud appearing beneath me. I let out a sigh and open my eyes at the same time that I hear a deep growl, followed by a loud and abrupt bark. The cloud goes away, and my stomach drops as I snap awake. I blink quickly to clear the water that was built up and frantically look towards where the sound came from. My dog is barking at the window, the sun shining through blindingly. “Rox! Enough!” I yell over his barking. He relaxes his floppy ears and turns his bulky head to give me an apologetic look. Rox starts to whine at me to get up and come see, so I pull myself out of bed. As my morning brain fog is disintegrating away, I remember that the strange scaly egg I found last month is in the direction of Rox’s barks. I rush to the windowsill and see the egg still sitting in the bushes outside, a light emitting from a small crack. I rush outside and around my small studio apartment and skid to a stop a few feet away from the egg. The black egg starts rocking back and forth and I start regretting getting so close until I hear a cracking sound. Followed by a longer cracking sound. I watch, frozen in shock, as a dragon’s head pops out of the crack. I take in a sharp gasp as the little black dragon’s golden eyes, as golden as the sun’s rays, slowly shift towards me without moving it’s head.