Introduce two characters in a scene who are complete opposites, and highlight their differences through dialogue and actions.

The Apology

The two old friends sat down at a small table in the corner.

Cole crossed her arms and had one leg propped up on the others knee. Vier sat down leaning against the back of that chair, legs spread wide and arms hanging loosely at his side.

There was silence for a long while, Vier expected Cole to speak first, but she wasn’t budging.

“Look Cole-“ he started when the bartender brought two pints over. Vier nodded at him in thanks while Cole continued to glair at him.

“I get that you’re pissed and all. But like,” Coles body tensed and Vier realized that he would have to choose his next words very carefully. “I…shouldn’t have…lied, to you. It was being-” but at that moment Cole got up and swung her chair around so fast Vier only realized what had happened when it collided with the man behind her. She whipped her head around to face Vier again and whispered “was this you again?”

“No I-“

“I swear to god Xavier if you set me up, again” she spat in his face so close he could see the detail in every one of the scars on her face.

“Cole” he said in a steady voice “I promise you, this wasn’t me.” She stared into his eyes as if trying to tell if he was lying. Then seeming to decide at he was telling the truth and grabbed his arm, yanking him away from the table.

They dartted between people, rushing past cloaks and fancy dresses. Vier grunted as he was dragged along by Cole his body ramming in to people as they past. Apos to Cole, swiftly running by people so fast they couldnt even tell what was happening before she was gone again.

“Cole! Cole, slow down!” Vier called after her

“You want me to let go?”

Vier let out a sigh of anoyance. Finnaly they slowed down in a dark, lonly square.

“Cole what th-“

“Shh.” She was looking around like a cat waiting for it’s preditor to reveal it’s self.

“Who is it?”

“Shut up.”

Then without warning she shoved him to the ground and threw a dagger at the second floor balcony of one of the apartments behind him. There was a grunt and then a loud thud as the body of a man fell to the ground. Vier turned to ask Cole who he was only to find that she had vanished.

“Damn it Cole!” He shouted, but only the diying man heard him.

“Help me.” The man maneged to grunt,

Vier sighed, walked over to the man, pulled the dagger from his chest and slit his throut, sliding the dagger it to his bag and walking out of the square. Unaware of the cat like shadow following him from the roof tops.

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