Submitted by M. Bonnaire

Imagine someone has lost all hope.

Write a free verse poem inspiring them that life is still worth living.

One Of These Days....

One of these days you will know how much i want you.

One of these days, you and me will all make sense.

One of these’ s days- your eyes will see all the love I hold for you in mine.

Somehow, some day , you realise I’m in urgent need of your strength to tear down my walls before time takes me out.

Someday, somehow, you’ll piece it all together - me & u - we belong together

And on day you will say baby we are “two parts of same whole “ like we said back then before time began.

Somehow, somewhere ,you’ll realise leaving me and us behind was a mistake

And before you ask, yes , its still not too late to say you care and ask whether I sill care about you too.

Some day soon , I hope , you’ll decide to turn back and walk towards me -to start over again

AND there’ll never be a day -i dont wish to be with you - not even a tiny, or little big of any day soon.

And neither will a day come to pass by that I don’t wonder and hope that today is the day i get to say I love you.

But I’m so certain that one day it will happen and all this love go to nothing

Until the day love some how reaches your heart ...

Ill run a bubble bath tap of love to chase after you with love letters as ever from my heart to yours .

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