Submitted by Celaid Degante


Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.

Collecting Dust

Hi, my name is Bunn Bunn, but it used to be Bella, before that is was unintelligible. I am a stuffed animal rabbit. I have eyes that are scary, or so I’ve been told. Even though when my girl was crying, I was all she would ever want to hold. I used to have soft white fur, whiter than the snow, until she dropped me on the floor. I used to have a white cotton outfit covered in flowers, now it’s yellow with a fading white because she loved me so. I used to have elegant pink ribbons tied around my wrists and ankles, keeping my costume in place, until she lost them. I used to have long proud whiskers, until she cut them short. I used to have all these things and that was why she loved me. I have been with her since she was two, but now I sit behind a desk. Collecting dust. She took me out one time last year, only for a short time while she could barely breath from the level of her sobbing. I wished I could help her like I used to, but it’s my turn to leave her. I have gone numb now to the feeling of love, I wish I could’ve helped her more. I loved her with all my heart, but she dropped my like she would fake friends over her phone which took my place in her bed and arms. I wish I didn’t want to help her so much, but I’ll still always love her. Even if I myself won’t feel loved. My name is Bunn Bunn, it used to be Bella, before that it was unintelligible, now I just sit and collect dust. She left me alone to die.

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